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    Abel Blot
    Last updated
    May 10, 2024

    Overview of Recruitment Challenges

    There are many challenges when it comes to high-volume hourly hiring. Whether it is managing large volumes of applicants, finding the perfect fit, or trying to maintain speed in the hiring process, many recruiters face many challenges that require them to adjust their hiring process. The truth is that finding qualified applicants is becoming increasingly difficult. According to a study conducted by Korn Ferry, the shortage of skilled workers worldwide could surpass 85 million by the year 2030, only adding to these growing challenges. 

    Additionally, many common hiring processes are flawed. These obstacles can impede the efficiency of your hiring process, whether it be conducting excessive interviews, manually collecting data and generating reports for management, or following a lengthy hiring process that discourages candidates and delays the process. Unfortunately, the negative experiences are not only on the side of the recruiter. Additional data found that only 32% would describe their recent job search experience as "very good" and  73% of candidates rate job searching as one of the most stress-inducing things in life. Luckily, there is a solution that can both improve the candidate and recruiter experience and reduce time-to-fill. 

    Integration with HCM and HRIS Systems 

    Integrating Recruitment Automation Software with Human Capital Management (HCM) and Human Resources Information System (HRIS) platforms enhances the recruitment process while leveraging HRIS capabilities. HRIS platforms typically cover fundamental HR functions like payroll, benefits, recordkeeping, talent acquisition, workforce management, learning management, and reporting. They can be further optimized through integration. HRIS integrations allow for effortless communication between systems, using application programming interfaces (APIs) to exchange, store, and modify data.

    Being able to quickly use and transfer this data, and integrating recruitment automation software with HRIS platforms ensures that organizations' job openings are automatically promoted on various sourcing platforms as soon as they are approved, thereby accelerating the recruitment process. This integration allows businesses to reduce time-to-fill.

    Automated Screening and Candidate Matching

    AI automated screening filter applications enable recruiters to quickly and accurately find candidates who meet job requirements. Intelligent algorithms not only screen resumes but also align candidate expectations with the job role, enhancing the candidate experience. This often goes far beyond what conversational AI and chatbots are able to gather on candidates. Although conversational AI may perform well in basic interactions, it lacks the necessary depth and flexibility to handle the complexities of hourly hiring. Automated screening helps gather that information easily and accurately in less time. 

    Background checks are also crucial in the hourly hiring process, but they can be time-consuming and delay the time to fill. A reputable recruitment automation software will offer integrations for third-party, rapid background checking to expedite the process without compromising accuracy or compliance. This allows organizations to efficiently assess candidates' backgrounds, ensuring a secure and reliable workforce while safeguarding candidate data during the screening process. The faster and smoother this process is, the quicker an employee can progress through the hiring journey and become a valuable member of your team.

    Interview Scheduling and Video Interviews

    The automation of interview scheduling streamlines the coordination of interview schedules, freeing up valuable time to engage with candidates on a deeper level and reducing the time to fill. With this feature, candidates can easily schedule their interviews immediately after completing their application and screening based on the hiring manager's availability. This ultimately reduces time-to-fill and drop-off rates, ensuring that interviews can be arranged quickly and efficiently. On the operational front, managers can dedicate more time to important tasks such as training and boosting staff morale. This software goes beyond mere quick conversations. It revolutionizes the entire process of hourly hiring, from application to interview scheduling to onboarding. 

    Additionally, video interviews have been proven to boost efficiency in the interviewing process. TechCrunch reports that traditional interviews are no longer effective, prompting companies to turn to other types of interviews, such as video interviews, as a cost and time-saving alternative for shortlisting candidates. This allows interviewers to efficiently handle a larger number of interviews, particularly during busy periods. 

    Recruitment automation seamlessly integrates with various stages of the candidate journey and expedites the screening to interview scheduling and onboarding process. As the interview process becomes less time-consuming for managers and/or TA professionals, they can focus on critical business tasks that generate revenue. The outcome is a seamless and effective hiring process that delivers a positive experience for both recruiters and candidates and reduces time-to-fill. 

    Advanced Candidate Evaluation Tools

    It is not just about the interviewing and scheduling process itself, but automation tools also streamline candidate evaluation. For example, psychometric tests are used to evaluate candidates' psychological traits, cognitive abilities, and personality characteristics Psychometric assessments evaluate both capabilities and personality traits to assess the suitability of candidates for a specific role. These tests are meticulously crafted using a scientific approach, ensuring objectivity and impartiality in the evaluation process. This allows HR to gather additional critical information on whether they should hire a candidate or not. 

    Language evaluation tools and background checks are also used with advanced automated tools. Automated tools utilizing natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. These are used to assess candidates' language proficiency in both written and spoken forms. These tools expedite the verification process of candidates' credentials, work experience, educational background, and criminal records by pulling data from various databases and public records. By ensuring the accuracy and reliability of candidate information, these tools minimize the chances of hiring individuals with falsified backgrounds. Additionally, automated background checks help ensure all legal and regulatory standards are being followed, particularly those concerning employment eligibility and data protection. These tools ensure that the candidates not only fit the job requirements but also the company culture and values.

    Automated Hiring Forms and Onboarding

    According to a report by CareerBuilder, 40% of HR managers who do not use electronic methods to capture onboarding information spend at least three hours onboarding each new employee. That is two out of every five HR managers. The data showed that this results in decreased productivity, increased inefficiencies, higher employee turnover, decreased employee morale, reduced employee engagement, decreased employee confidence, lack of trust within the organization, and missed revenue targets. This valuable time is wasted on manually collecting and processing information that could easily be automated. Using an automated solution eliminates the amount of manual tasks, like paperwork and data entry. It also allows companies to reduce time-to-fill. 

    Automation extends all the way to the final stages of hiring. Starting with a quick apply feature, candidates complete applications in under two minutes. This is a huge improvement compared to the industry average of 15 minutes. This fast process makes sure a higher volume of applicants completes their applications. This reduces drop-off rates and enhances the candidate experience from the start.

    Automated hiring forms and onboarding are not just about the amount of time it saves recruiters. According to data in 2023, electronically signing documents allows companies to have an 80% reduction in signing errors. With the use of e-signature software, missing files are also reduced by 66%. Digital forms and contracts that can be signed electronically, and automated onboarding processes ensure new hires are ready to start work without delay. It also minimizes the amount of necessary shipping costs and paper waste. This also overall leads to a reduced time-to-fill and improves the candidate experience. 


    Automated recruitment solutions provide a promising answer to the issues faced in high-volume hourly hiring. By combining recruitment automation software with HCM and HRIS platforms, companies can speed up recruitment procedures while maintaining smooth communication and data sharing. Automated screening, candidate matching, and background checks boost efficiency without sacrificing accuracy or compliance. 

    Additionally, automating interview scheduling and utilizing video interviews streamline the hiring process, improving the candidate experience and optimizing managerial resources. Advanced evaluation tools like psychometric tests and language assessment tools ensure a thorough evaluation of candidates' suitability, aligning with both job requirements and organizational culture. Automated hiring forms and onboarding processes, supported by electronic signatures and digital contracts, also minimize errors, cut down on paper waste, and reduce time-to-fill. These advancements highlight the significant impact of automation in addressing recruitment challenges and enhancing overall efficiency.

    Consider how recruitment automation software like AppyHere can transform your hiring process. We are here to assist you in seamlessly transitioning to an automated hiring process. Our HR Software is specifically designed to reduce the workload on your human resource teams, make the hiring process more efficient, and reduce time-to-fill. You can access a range of tools, including automated candidate screening, background checks, virtual interviews, and more. By utilizing AppyHere, you can reduce the time to fill a position by up to 85% compared to traditional hiring models. Make the switch effortlessly and efficiently with AppyHere. Contact us to start your hiring process transformation today.

    Automate Your Hiring And Cut Costs By Up To 75%

    Don’t miss out – start reaping the benefits of hourly recruitment automation software now. Schedule a live demo and see the power of AppyHere firsthand.

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